Tuesday, July 14, 2020


The beauty and health profiles of Instagram and YouTube say that drinking fasting water with lemon makes you thin, but this “miracle tip” to lose weight is not so true.

If you follow a digital influencer from the fitness world, you may have heard that drinking fasting water with lemon slims down and brings several other health and beauty benefits. But does this fruit so common in our daily lives really have all this power?

As usually happens with any miraculous tip, it is good to take a back seat to understand what the real effects of lemon water are for the body - and which ones are just legend.

What the advocates of lemon water say

Many people claim that the consumption of water with lemon daily before breakfast brings incredible results that can be noticed on the scale, with an average weight loss of 2 to 8 kg per month.

According to the supporters of this tip, this effect would be possible because the combination would have the ability to detoxify the body, helping to eliminate impurities from cells and blood.

In addition, lemon could be incorporated into the diet in order to alkalize the body, which is supposed to be a health benefit. However, this is not quite the case.

Real benefits of lemon

Drinking fasting water with lemon will not facilitate weight loss by itself, but that does not mean that this fruit does not offer anything good to the body. In fact, lemon does have many advantages, regardless of whether it is consumed fasting or not. Know the main ones:

- Improves iron absorption and fights anemia

Like other citrus fruits, lemon is rich in vitamin C, a key nutrient for the body to be able to absorb the iron we eat, especially from plant foods. Thus, regular consumption of lemon helps to prevent iron deficiency anemia.

- Strengthening the immune system

Again, this health benefit of lemon is a result of the vitamin C content, which favors the proper functioning of our defense system and makes the body more resistant to infectious diseases such as colds and flu.

- Combating aging

The lemon helps us to have a young and healthy skin for a longer time, and the secret again is in vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties and helps to mitigate the effects of free radicals and prevent wrinkles and blemishes.

In addition, this vitamin participates in the process of forming collagen, the protein that supports the skin and prevents sagging.

- Improved digestion

The acidity of the lemon stimulates the production of saliva, the production of bile by the liver, the functioning of stomach enzymes and bowel movement. Thus, the consumption of this fruit mainly helps the digestion of proteins and the consequent elimination of waste.

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